3 Technologies for Small Businesses

Technologies that every Small Business Should Know About:

1.       Blogs. Having a blog or using other blogs correctly can help you increase targeted traffic to your web site. Writing your own blog can help create the kind of community that every web site owner covets.

2.       Pay Per Click. Just about every business can benefit from a Pay Per Click campaign to get prospective buyers to your web site.  For some businesses this would be a year-round campaign and for others it might just be a seasonal campaign based on enhancing your boom season or mitigating slow times by offering special offers.

3.       XHTML. Most people that html is the language of the web. So is XHTML some racy version of HTML? Not hardly. It is actually a stricter web language that follows XML guidelines. OK, that probably didn’t clear up much so let me try again. HTML is a very forgiving language. You can screw it up pretty bad and a web browser will still show “what you intended”. XHTML is much stricter and requires the programmer to not leave out important pieces like something called closing tags. As all kinds of devices are now becoming web-enabled, having a stricter language like XHTML will ensure that all devices from handhelds to laptops to desktops (and even refrigerators) will be able to correctly read and display the web pages.

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