Google Changes Local Search

 Yesterday may seem like it was less than 24 hours ago but time flies quickly on the Internet. Just a few months ago John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing wrote about 5 great research tools. I tried to visit the last one today, Bing xRank, to find out how it worked. And it’s gone. I’ve […]

3 Reasons to Invest in your Web Presence in a Down Economy

What’s happening in your financial world? If you’re like most folks, you’re not sure whether we’re headed up or down or what is around the next corner. In uncertain times it can be difficult to see a way forward and spending money is the last thing many business owners want to do. Yet here I […]

9 Measurable Social Media Marketing Goals

It seems like I’ve been focusing a lot of my attention lately on helping understand or plan out their goals. Whether it be goals for a new web site or social media marketing goals, it is absolutely critical to have goals and then . . . wait for it . . . actually measure them. […]

Office 2010 Released

It’s out. It’s nice. If you’re using Office 2003 or earlier, it’s time to upgrade. Office 2010 uses the same kind of ribbons that Office 2007 users have grown accustomed to. The new “ribbon” that you’ll find in Word 2010 is the one that 2007 should have had. It’s called file. The file ribbon gives […]

Easy Listening

Recently I was reminded of the wonderful effects listening to classical music can have on your brain – helping you to think better. So instead of focusing on the business of web site design, I thought I’d share this tip with you. One of the ways I have found to listen to classical is through […]

Should You Quit?

What do you need to quit? Since I finished reading Seth Godin’s “The Dip” this week, I’ve been thinking a lot about quitting. No, I’m not quitting my business – I love what I do, but I am thinking about what tactics I’m using in business that aren’t working and determining how and what to […]

Recovering From Poor Internet Marketing

I have a friend who lies paralyzed in a hospital bed. A short while back he was involved in an accident and he will never walk again. I stopped by to visit him today. He was sedated but the good news is he has a tracheotomy. That never before sounded like a good thing but […]

Why Internet Marketing Works

While I’ve never been much of a numbers guy, I’m amazed about how easy Internet Marketing is because absolutely everything can be measured. So your goal is to figure out what to measure and then measure it. And the beauty of it is that small changes can reap LARGE effects. Let’s say that you have […]


It’s time to pause and give thanks. As the pilgrims thanked God for surviving and for all their blessings at the first Thanksgiving, we also thank God for surviving and for all of our blessings. We are thankful for living in such a great country where we are blessed to be able to start and […]

Your Company Reputation and Social Media Marketing

Question 9 of 10 Essential Questions for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign is How does my company reputation fit into Social Media Marketing. If you haven’t figured it out by now, it is ALL about your reputation. Social Media Marketing is about engaging others and building long term relationships with others.  This enhances your reputation […]