Making Money in Tough Times: Five Tips to Stay Ahead
Is your business growing? Why not? If historical trends hold true, we should be coming out of the recession soon. Wouldn’t you rather come out poised to grow instead of scrambling to keep up? There are lots of things you can do to make money and grow, even when a recession might tempt you to […]
Social Media Marketing Explodes
Whew! I actually have been so busy I haven’t posted on my blog in awhile. But I have been busy with social media. Have you been keeping up? It’s no surprise if you haven’t. Social Media has literally exploded. Twitter grew by 131% in March. Yes, in the month of March. Not January through March […]
Growing in a Down Economy
How do you grow your business in a down economy? There are lots of cliché’s I could throw out there. But it really comes down to tuning out the naysayers and focusing on what you do best. So here’s what the technology experts at EduCyber recommend: Turn off the TV. Leave it on too long […]
Build A Better Web Site
What does it take to build a better web site? Do you need to be flashier? Do you need to have bells and whistles? Should it have music playing? Do you need to cram it full of links? No. Actually the best web sites are often the simplest. And the simplest thing to do is […]
Web Site Usability Testing
Have you ever tested your web site to see if it actually works? We’ve seen some beautifully designed web sites that just don’t work. This goes back, in part to my last blog on having a Call to Action on each page. But it also goes beyond that. Once you have a call, you have […]
Google Doesn’t Play Fair
Imagine, if you will, going to the doctor for an exam. After the exam, the doctor tells you the grave news that you must have an operation immediately, the exam results show a problem. But when you ask what the problem is, the good doctor gives you a medical book and says that your problem […]
Question 2: How do I expect people to find my site?
As we continue to examine the top 10 questions each business owner needs to consider when taking their site to the next level, we look at question 2: How do I expect people to find my site? The Kevin Costner approach in Field of Dreams does not work. I can’t tell you the number of […]
Web Site Design
For more than a year we have been offering the 10 essential questions to answer when you are ready to take your site to the next level. The response to this has been so good that we are going to take a deeper look at each question. The first question is “What are the goals […]
3 Technologies for Small Businesses
Technologies that every Small Business Should Know About: 1.      Blogs. Having a blog or using other blogs correctly can help you increase targeted traffic to your web site. Writing your own blog can help create the kind of community that every web site owner covets. 2.      Pay Per Click. Just about every business can benefit […]
Online Marketing
We’ve been getting a lot of calls lately about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and CPC (Cost Per Click) campaigns. Just today I had a gentleman ask about our rates for a CPC campaign. After I told him he said “I see that you also provide training, how much would it cost to train me to […]