Misguided Marketing
Over the course of the last several years, we have had many customers come to us asking for Search Engine Optimization. We do SEO (and we do it well) so we are happy to accommodate. But as a part of our marketing assistance, we seek to understand the goals of the SEO program. On a […]
Little Data
In the Internet world, Big Data is a big buzz word. With the right tools huge volumes of data can be digested, analyzed, and summarized with amazing speed. Technology like this is what is driving technical inroads in an array of industries from understanding the human genome to making digital currency like Bitcoin to understanding […]
Social Media: Is it Worth it?
A decade ago, social media was fun. It was new. It was fresh. Perhaps even exhilarating. But now we live in a strange new world of social media where jumping to conclusions, imputing opinions falsely and disparaging anyone who disagrees with your politics or religion or race, or even gender is the norm. With the […]
Privacy, Apps and You
What’s App? That was a lame heading but this is not a lame topic. Do you have a mobile phone? I think by now everyone (but the pastor at my church who still uses a flip phone) has a mobile phone with a data plan. And you have apps on it. Have you read the permissions […]
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me! Privacy on the Internet
Privacy is something no one should assume while surfing the Internet. EVERY SINGLE move you make on the Internet is recorded on numerous server logs around the world. The only expectation of anonymity comes from the fact that the sheer volume of data is so overwhelming that honing in on your data is unlikely. Unless […]
The Importance of Being Heard
How do you get your message out? More importantly, how do you get your message out so that it is heard above the cacophony of others struggling to get their message out? That is the trial of the age in which we live. People are constantly exposed to messaging whether it be via TV, radio, […]
One of the cool things that I see happening again and again is the convergence that happens in Social Media. Personal and Professional lives converge and people make connections that never would have happened otherwise. This has always happened in Face to Face networks but the obvious limiting factors in such instances are geography and […]
Are You Throwing Money Away?
I often hear comments like “We tried Facebook and it didn’t work” or “I spent $4000 on Google AdWords and didn’t get anything”. The first question I ask is “What were your goals?” and follow up with “How were you measuring results?” The answer, all too frequently, is a blank stare. Throwing money at problems […]
Which Big Brother is Watching?
When I was a kid I understood that concern over big brother watching was that the government would be prying into every part of our lives and monitoring what we do. That threat still exists and is encroaching more and more but there are now other “big brothers” that we need to watch out for. […]
Social Media Engagement Strategies
I often encourage and cajole people to post to social media whether it be blogging, Facebook, Twitter or some other medium. It’s just like when I was a kid back in Nebraska – we had to shower once a year whether we needed it or not. You need to post to your social media regularly […]