Leveraging Your Physical Network in Social Media Marketing
How can I leverage my physical network to help in Social Media Marketing? The 4th Question in our 10 Essential Questions for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign is a bit counter-intuitive in that we leave the cyber world for a bit. In your business or in your life you know people. Whether you’ve thought of […]
Social Media Marketing: How Much Time Does it Take?
The third question in our 10 Essential Questions to Answer for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign series is “How much time am I able or willing to spend on marketing?” The best answer I can give to that question is to use the swim teacher / coach analogy. “Coach, how long is it going to […]
Finding the Best Social Media Sites
What media (or sites) are best suited to my goal? Once you have determined what your goals are, it is time to determine which social networking sites will best help you meet those goals. There are literally hundreds of social networking sites available to you. Outside of three or four though, they all are designed […]