Social Media: Is it Worth it?
A decade ago, social media was fun. It was new. It was fresh. Perhaps even exhilarating. But now we live in a strange new world of social media where jumping to conclusions, imputing opinions falsely and disparaging anyone who disagrees with your politics or religion or race, or even gender is the norm. With the […]
Running the Wrong Race
This last week I had an email conversation that went something like this: Potential Customer: I’m interested in what you do – how much does it cost? Me: Well, we build websites to meet our customers’ needs and business goals. What are yours? PC: I already have a web site, how could you help me […]
Inbound Leads
Inbound Leads or Inbound Marketing. Those two terms are buzz words. Everybody wants a good inbound lead – much better than an outbound lead. But what is it? How does it work? Why do you need it? In a nutshell, inbound marketing is attracting people to your organization rather than you going out to meet […]
Web site – Marketing Vehicle or Sales Tool?
“Our web site is just a brochure” , “We don’t get any business from our web site – it is just there to help close the deal”, “We want our website to help generate more leads”, “Our new donation portion of the website generated a 350% return on our investment in one year”. These are […]
8 Awesome Internet Marketing Steps Our Customers Do to Grow Their Business
Internet marketing – marketing your business through digital channels like your web site, social media and other Internet venues – is not as difficult as it sounds. Try these internet marketing steps. Continually add testimonials and positive feedback from customers. They don’t have to brag about how good they are. They let their customers do […]
Channeling your Efforts
How can you stand out in an increasingly cluttered advertising space like the Internet? Paid search campaigns like AdWords can generate great, qualified traffic to your website. But because it works, the competition can be fierce and expensive. Ads on other sites might seem like a good idea but the increasing frustration of users with […]
Begin with the End
Some of the complaints we’ve heard over the years: I tried a Facebook campaign. It didn’t work. Our website doesn’t really generate any business for us, it is just a brochure. I don’t’ know whether our website brings any business or not. My clients don’t have time to read blogs so I’m not going to […]
The Importance of Being Heard
How do you get your message out? More importantly, how do you get your message out so that it is heard above the cacophony of others struggling to get their message out? That is the trial of the age in which we live. People are constantly exposed to messaging whether it be via TV, radio, […]
One of the cool things that I see happening again and again is the convergence that happens in Social Media. Personal and Professional lives converge and people make connections that never would have happened otherwise. This has always happened in Face to Face networks but the obvious limiting factors in such instances are geography and […]
Are You Throwing Money Away?
I often hear comments like “We tried Facebook and it didn’t work” or “I spent $4000 on Google AdWords and didn’t get anything”. The first question I ask is “What were your goals?” and follow up with “How were you measuring results?” The answer, all too frequently, is a blank stare. Throwing money at problems […]