Top Five Mistakes in Web Design

With the explosion of the web – from new sites to new friends / pages on Facebook to new followers on Twitter and new connections on LinkedIn, there are distractions and sites screaming out for our attention all over the place. So how does a professional website design agency do it right? Well here are […]


Sometimes that is all it takes. Click and all the pieces fall into place. In our case that is usually what happens. We intentionally go after those “Click!” moments as that is when we know that we’ll be working with a new customer / partner. Click happens when your internet marketing goals converge perfectly with […]

Good Design Can Get in the Way of a Great Web Site

One of the most common mistakes in web site design today is the design itself. The most common “abuser” of this is the firm that comes out of the graphic design world and decides to start doing web sites (but there are other perpetrators as well). How does this happen? It’s simple actually. A stunningly […]

Choosing a Domain Name

There are still good domain names to be had if you are looking either to start a new business or to claim a better domain name for your existing business. First let’s examine why it is important to choose a good domain name.  Say you were a church called Mt. Zion Christian Church. You decide […]

Templates and Web Site Design

There are web sites that are built on templates and then there are template web sites. Which would you prefer? Many of our clients are uneasy with building a web site using a template – seems like anyone could do that, right? The answer is ‘ You’re absolutely correct.” Templated web sites abound. I live […]

What Makes a Good Web Site Good?

We design web sites. We do this all day long, every day. One of my primary roles is working with the client to establish the goal and the look.  Frequently the client comes to us with  “I want these features on the site and I want this element and this element”. As we talk through […]

Web Design Key: Clarity

Clarity It’s something we all seem to appreciate. At least we appreciate it until we get to the front page of our web site. Then there are so many things we want to share with our visitors, tell to the world and shout from the mountain tops. So we cram it all in. A local […]

Change Drives the Internet

The way the Internet works today, in January of 2011, is different from the way it worked in January of 2010 and so completely different from the way it worked in January of 2001 as to be completely unrecognizable. One of our clients made the comment “I hate old-fashioned web sites” the other day. And […]

Test Your Site across Browsers

When I worked in Tokyo (in the late 90’s) I remember looking at a web site affiliated with where I worked and it looked terrible. Worse than terrible. When I went to talk to the designer (this was not his job) I understood the problem even before we began to talk – he worked on […]

A Look Back, A Look Ahead

What did you measure this year? All of us measure the bottom line but what else? Did you measure the number of new customers / clients? What about number of leads and number of those leads that converted into clients? Number of sales online? Number of new newsletter signups? Number of fans or followers on […]