36 Ways to Market Your Web Site
Put your web site on business card Incorporate your domain name into your letterhead Buy an ad in other ezines or email newsletters Engage in online communities and make sure you include your domain where appropriate (like in your signature) Include a link to your web site in your email signature Build a corporate Facebook […]
Factors Affecting Your Web Site Success
ъглови дивани I went for lunch today at Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli in the Highlands area of northwest Denver. While I don’t go there frequently, I do like their food and atmosphere. But they are in trouble and they might not even be aware of it. While eating lunch I noticed a young man photographing the […]
Blogging: The Power of Now
People often ask me why is it so important to use a blogging software like WordPress. I try to explain the intricacies of RSS technology to them – not so really simple after all – at least not to some folks. But now I have a really simple demonstration. On Monday, September 13th I posted […]
9 Measurable Social Media Marketing Goals
It seems like I’ve been focusing a lot of my attention lately on helping understand or plan out their goals. Whether it be goals for a new web site or social media marketing goals, it is absolutely critical to have goals and then . . . wait for it . . . actually measure them. […]
Measuring the Success of your Company’s Social Media Marketing
I know a business owner who has complete command of his business numbers. He measures and analyzes the statistics of every aspect of his online marketing. He’s on top of making critical adjustments to his marketing plan on the basis of these numbers. When it comes to investing in social media marketing, for him, there’s […]
Are You Paying Attention?
Everybody is so busy. We have to – or at least we feel like we have to – multi-task throughout the day. But does it really work? This morning I realized that my fruit shake wasn’t going to keep me going until lunch time so while I was out and about I swung through McDonald’s […]
Think your website is good enough? Think again.
I’ve spent a lot of time networking with people in an array of businesses across several industry sectors. These are the decision-makers. The purse-holders. And these are the business owners shaken to their roots by the economy. The conversation begins with the usual exchange of what-do-you-do questions and answers. Since it’s my passion and it […]
Web Site Design Fundamentals
Would you build the foundation for your house and then begin to ponder what rooms you should put in the house and where the walls should go? Of course not. Yet when it comes to building a web site this is precisely the model that most businesses follow. First they build the site and they […]
Eliminate Orphans
Some of you will think this is some sort of Dickensian entreaty to eliminate “the surplus population”. But it isn’t. I’m talking about orphaned web pages. A web page gets orphaned in much the same way a human does. It’s parent dies or goes away. Let me give an anecdote to explain both how it […]
Internet Marketing Through Web Site Design
Lots of folks start their web design with a logo and maybe some colors. Then they add some copy that seems appropriate and figure out how to navigate through the site and they’re done with the design. After they’ve finished, they’re ready for Internet marketing – maybe they’ll add a search engine optimization campaign or […]