8. What colors and images or logos do I have that can be used to keep my BRAND in front of people?
Brand. Brand. Brand. It really IS all about brand. We’ve worked with several small businesses who started out saying that they were too small to need a brand. As they saw it working though, they realized that even their small business benefited from having a brand. There are lots of good resources for building your […]
7. Is my site currently ranked in the search engines?
In this seventh question in the 10 questions to take your web site to the next level, we look at how to determine whether your site is ranked or not. A simple search can show you if your site is ranked in the top 10 or not. But you have to know what people are […]
6. What words do I expect people to have searched for when they click through to my site?
Now the conversation turns very clearly to Search Engine Marketing (SEM). There are many facets to SEM. Two of the biggest are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). So first you must determine what key words your customers search for. Notice how I worded that. Not what you think they search for […]
Question 5: What will keep people coming back to my web site?
This question has a simple answer. In a word “Good content”. OK, that’s two words. Taking the time to write or get good content on your site is the single best way to keep people coming back. A larger site with lots of visitors can create a forum where people can come to create community. […]
Question 4: What niche does my business serve and how can I leverage that niche on my site?
Understanding clearly what it is that you offer, and who’s buying it, can help you take your business to the next level. If you offer a service for example – say you trim trees for homeowners – then you have an obvious niche that you serve. If you’re based in Wheat Ridge (like we are) […]
Question 3: What do I want people to do when they get to my site?
OK, once you’ve got a plan (the goals for your web site) and you have a marketing plan (what will drive people to your site?) its time to figure out what you want people to do when they get to your site. This is a pretty basic concept and yet one that is often overlooked. […]
Question 2: How do I expect people to find my site?
As we continue to examine the top 10 questions each business owner needs to consider when taking their site to the next level, we look at question 2: How do I expect people to find my site? The Kevin Costner approach in Field of Dreams does not work. I can’t tell you the number of […]
Web Site Design
For more than a year we have been offering the 10 essential questions to answer when you are ready to take your site to the next level. The response to this has been so good that we are going to take a deeper look at each question. The first question is “What are the goals […]
Designing Your Site with Users in Mind
We do a lot of web site redesigns. Often the goal is to spiffen up the image of the site with engaging colors and graphics. But we also end up making the site more usable as well. And it is amazing how many of us (yes, we’ve made some of these mistakes as well) don’t […]
The Three Requirements for a Great Site
There are three requirements for a web site to really shine: Usable. A good web site is usable. This means that a visitor to your site can easily and intuitively do what you want them to do. If they have to really think about what your intention is, you will lose them. Say, for example […]