Easy Listening

Recently I was reminded of the wonderful effects listening to classical music can have on your brain – helping you to think better.

So instead of focusing on the business of web site design, I thought I’d share this tip with you. One of the ways I have found to listen to classical is through Pandora. Simply visit www.pandora.com on your computer or even your smartphone.

You can create a channel or multiple channels. The channel I’ve been tuning in to today is Symphonic, Classical.

Creating a channel. Sounds difficult doesn’t it? Actually its incredibly simple. After the 60 second process to create an account (create a password tied to your email address), you simply type in a genre, artist or song.

That’s it.

I’ve got four channels tied to my account. One is classical and the others are more classic rock oriented. I’ve created a channel based around Bob Seger and another based on the Kiss song “Beth”. But Pandora is pretty cool because just like science has mapped out the human genome, Pandora is mapping out the music genome. They have real people listening to songs and collecting close to 400 different attributes about the music.

So when I listen to my own personal Bob Seger station, I don’t just hear Bob Seger, I hear songs related to the kind of music he plays. For example, I just heard Tom Petty playing Breakdown followed by Eric Clapton and Wonderful Tonight. Whether on my phone or on the computer I can rate the songs (either up or down) and get more information about the particular artist and song.

It’s easy to get started and then you can control how “in to it” you get. It’s free for something like 40 hours a month and after that it’s only $36 / year for unlimited listening and no ads.

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