10 Reasons You Don’t Need a New Website

That’s right. I’m not here to talk you INTO buying a new web site. I’m here to tell you why you don’t really need one: You paid for a whole new web site five years ago Websites don’t generate new customers, good salespeople do that Somebody told me I’d have to write something called a […]

Your Web Site: A Unique Marketing Message

One of the questions I ask potential customers is what sets them apart in their niche. Almost inevitably the reply is “Our service”. The obvious problem there is that if everyone’s service is what makes them unique, then it isn’t unique. It is important to have a UNIQUE marketing message that resonates well with others. […]

Building Websites on WordPress

A few short years ago we built most of our websites on pages that were more or less static. If a customer wanted to try something called blogging, we would add a piece of software into the site that allowed them to do this. We had also been building sites on Content Management Software (CMS) […]

Web Site Bridge

I’ve been asked a lot lately what sets us apart from the competition. While we fill a distinct niche, it is often difficult to articulate how what we do is different from others. Today I’ll use a bridge analogy. This bridge on the right gets me where I’m going. It is very functional. One side […]

Standing Out in a Crowd

Most business owners understand the value of having a Unique Selling Proposition, that special something that sets them apart from the rest of the competition and makes folks choose their company when there are lots of choices. Only some folks get it better than others. Look at the picture on the left. The wearer of […]

The Importance of Being Heard

How do you get your message out? More importantly, how do you get your message out so that it is heard above the cacophony of others struggling to get their message out? That is the trial of the age in which we live. People are constantly exposed to messaging whether it be via TV, radio, […]

Are You Throwing Money Away?

I often hear comments like “We tried Facebook and it didn’t work” or “I spent $4000 on Google AdWords and didn’t get anything”.  The first question I ask is “What were your goals?” and follow up with “How were you measuring results?” The answer, all too frequently, is a blank stare. Throwing money at problems […]

Radical Refresh

Is your brand / web site / logo old? Afraid it is getting boring? Sometimes it can be a good thing to radically refresh who you are so a new crop of customers can find you. Take your favorite old comic book characters, for example.  DC Comics has radically refreshed their lineup  of comics, not […]

Top Five Mistakes in Web Design

With the explosion of the web – from new sites to new friends / pages on Facebook to new followers on Twitter and new connections on LinkedIn, there are distractions and sites screaming out for our attention all over the place. So how does a professional website design agency do it right? Well here are […]


Sometimes that is all it takes. Click and all the pieces fall into place. In our case that is usually what happens. We intentionally go after those “Click!” moments as that is when we know that we’ll be working with a new customer / partner. Click happens when your internet marketing goals converge perfectly with […]