Accelerate Growth with Google Ads: Your Path to Success!

Are you ready to take your business to new heights?  Consider paid search as a way to jumpstart your sales process. Here’s how a strategic Google Ad campaign can connect you with your target market: Targeted Reach: Reach your ideal audience precisely. Google Ads allow you to target users based on demographics, interests, and online […]

Unlocking Success with Paid Search!

Ready to take your online presence to new heights? Dive into the world of Paid Search and supercharge your visibility! What is Paid Search? Paid Search, also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), is a targeted advertising strategy where you bid on keywords to have your ads appear at the top of search engine results. […]

Staying Ahead in 2024: 5 SEO Trends To Pay Attention To

As we navigate the digital landscape, staying ahead in SEO is paramount.  Here are five trends reshaping the SEO landscape for 2024: Voice Search Optimization: Voice-activated searches are on the rise. Tailor your content to conversational queries for a seamless user experience. I personally do most of my searches via voice these days. One of […]

Are You Missing A Piece of the Puzzle?

When it comes to digital marketing there are a number of pieces that have to come together all at once for things to really click. And, if you are missing just one piece of the puzzle, like whoever left this piece in our parking lot, you simply won’t be able to get the full picture. […]

You Don’t Really Want SEO

Conversion Rate Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is such a big buzzword. At least twice a month I am approached about doing SEO for an existing or potential client. As we begin to delve into their goals though, it often turns out that what they really want is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). And it turns out that CRO […]

Finishing Strong

Finish The Year Strong With Digital Marketing

Sometime in the first or second week of November, many business people slowly begin to checkout. It’s time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New Years. It’s not time to close new deals or even to push to the finish on existing deals or projects. But that is really just an excellent way to […]

Five Hidden Reports in Google Analytics that Every Business Owner Should See

Every website should be using an analytics package that tracks what is happening on the website so you can make intelligent business decisions about how web visitors experience your website. Google Analytics is probably the most popular, in part because it is free. But it can be intimidating finding the data from reports in Google […]

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know about Web Hosting

Need To Know About Web Hosting

Recently, a friend looking for cheap hosting reached out to me and said the important things to know about web hosting seem to be disk usage and inodes and could I help him understand that? I replied that in most cases inodes are not nearly important as several other factors. Here are the things I […]

Remaining Relevant

There is a lot of news noise right now. Rioting around the world. Recovering from a virus. Murder hornets. How to reopen. Will there be a second wave causing another shutdown? Oh, and the US has now returned to space! How do you remain relevant with your customers and potential customers amidst all the calamity […]

The Road Ahead: Reopening

It doesn’t matter whether you are chomping at the bit to reopen or wish the government would keep things shut down until it is deemed safe, people are getting anxious. Even those wanting to stay in are getting cabin fever. It is spring. The weather is getting nicer. People ARE going out. And every day […]