Social Media Marketing Explodes
Whew! I actually have been so busy I haven’t posted on my blog in awhile. But I have been busy with social media. Have you been keeping up? It’s no surprise if you haven’t. Social Media has literally exploded. Twitter grew by 131% in March. Yes, in the month of March. Not January through March […]
5 People I Follow on Twitter and Why
PublicityHound ( Joan Stewart is the queen of getting publicity and has developed quite a following. For any business looking to get more and better publicity, Joan provides a lot of free and low cost tips. On Twitter she mostly stays on task -focusing on Publicity, with just enough personal info to make life interesting […]
10 Key Social Media Tools for Small Business
Social Media Marketing, promoting your business through internet social media, is a good idea for any business. One of the questions I’m asked most often is “How much time does it take?” and the companion complaint I hear is “I don’t have time for that.” My response to that is, what business is doing so […]
Are you Linked In online?
LinkedIn is one of the largest business networking sites out there. Based on the premise that if I have 10 connections (people I know and network with) and each of those has 10 connections, I’m only one relationship away from 100 people. If you have 100 connections and they have 100 connections each, well, you […]
Social Media Buzz
So you’re trying to grow your business and you keep hearing about Social Media and how you ought to be using it. But how? And how much time will it take? And what kind of results will you get? Like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. But […]
3 Internet Marketing Research Tips
Frequently we have startup businesses ask us to design their web site. After we ask them a series of carefully designed questions about their target market and goals, they often ask us to hold off while they do some more market research. But market research is expensive and time consuming, right? Wrong. Here are three […]
Measuring Your Statistics
I’ve always followed the concept of what gets measured is what gets done. I also follow John C. Maxwell’s leadership newsletter and this last newsletter included this quote from Albert Einstein: Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. So what’s my point? The beauty of the Internet […]
Understanding Social Media
Social Media: What is it? One of the biggest “buzzes” in the internet right now is Social Media. But what is this phenomenon known as social media? It’s simple really. When the Internet was in its infancy, web pages were pretty much static. That is, they didn’t change. The code on the page was hard […]
Beginner’s Guide to SEO
I’ve been surprised lately about the widely different ideas that customers bring to the table about what SEO is. Search Engine Optimization is, in a nutshell getting your site optimized for the search engines. One of the first things I ask clients is where they’ve used the key words they think they’re targeting on their […]
5 Key Web Site Statistics
There are five key web site statistics that every web site owner should pay close attention to: How many visitors? People used to get all excited about hits but you could easily have 100 hits from one visitor. The number of visitors though (usually tracked by unique IP addresses) gives you a really good idea […]