The Importance of Being Heard
How do you get your message out? More importantly, how do you get your message out so that it is heard above the cacophony of others struggling to get their message out? That is the trial of the age in which we live. People are constantly exposed to messaging whether it be via TV, radio, […]
One of the cool things that I see happening again and again is the convergence that happens in Social Media. Personal and Professional lives converge and people make connections that never would have happened otherwise. This has always happened in Face to Face networks but the obvious limiting factors in such instances are geography and […]
Are You Throwing Money Away?
I often hear comments like “We tried Facebook and it didn’t work” or “I spent $4000 on Google AdWords and didn’t get anything”. The first question I ask is “What were your goals?” and follow up with “How were you measuring results?” The answer, all too frequently, is a blank stare. Throwing money at problems […]
Social Media Engagement Strategies
I often encourage and cajole people to post to social media whether it be blogging, Facebook, Twitter or some other medium. It’s just like when I was a kid back in Nebraska – we had to shower once a year whether we needed it or not. You need to post to your social media regularly […]
Blogging and Consistency
You’ve heard the old adage that the road to heck is paved with good intentions. That appears to be especially true when it comes to blogging. During the design and development phase of sites we have customers who are all excited about the opportunity to blog. Then reality (and life) sets in. And that blogging […]
Seminar: Core Components of Social Media Marketing
Thinking about starting a social media marketing campaign for your company? Wondering why your social media marketing isn’t getting results? Wondering IF your social medial marketing is working? If you answered “YES” to one or more of the questions above, plan to attend the next EduCyber seminar. Attendees will learn what the core components of […]
Online Cliques
Online Cliques Sometimes you have to forget what you learned (or were told) in high school. Back then cliques may not have been good for you – contributing to peer pressure and leaving some of the “un-cliqued” feeling left out. But in the online world, getting into a clique can propel you forward. There are […]
Building a Successful Internet Marketing Campaign
Last week I gave a seminar on how to build an Internet marketing campaign. I received feedback from one company that was represented that the content was “light” – not enough meat. Later on I visited that company to help them with their Internet marketing campaign. Here is what I learned: The seminar covered a […]
5 Things to Measure in Social Media Marketing
Most businesses engaging in Social Media Marketing measure things like “Likes” or “Followers”. That’s not bad but Internet Marketing is more than a popularity contest. For a small business Number of Interactions on Facebook – shows they’re engaged. Developing a successful Facebook page where your fans or “likers” not only like a particular item but […]
Lessons from Conan O’Brien
I’ve never been a fan of Conan O’Brien’s style of humor. But I am now a fan of Conan. CNN Money did a story on how Conan O’Brien turned a “failure” into a new lease on life. I highly recommend this article to anyone interested in how to use social media and in understanding how […]