Finding the Best Social Media Sites
What media (or sites) are best suited to my goal? Once you have determined what your goals are, it is time to determine which social networking sites will best help you meet those goals. There are literally hundreds of social networking sites available to you. Outside of three or four though, they all are designed […]
Setting Goals for Social Media Marketing
Question 1 from 10 Essential Questions to Answer for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign: What are my goals (What do I expect to get out of this)? Often when talking to people about Social Media Marketing, I’m asked “how much time does it take?” To which I reply “What do you want to do?” It’s […]
4 Steps for Twitter Beginners
We’re going to skip over the what is Twitter questions and all the theory and get right down to how to do it. 1. Create an account at optical amplifier This will only take a few minutes. You’ll need a username. I recommend using your name like firstnamelastname all run together. Alternatively you could use […]
5 People I Follow on Twitter and Why
PublicityHound ( Joan Stewart is the queen of getting publicity and has developed quite a following. For any business looking to get more and better publicity, Joan provides a lot of free and low cost tips. On Twitter she mostly stays on task -focusing on Publicity, with just enough personal info to make life interesting […]
Social Media Buzz
So you’re trying to grow your business and you keep hearing about Social Media and how you ought to be using it. But how? And how much time will it take? And what kind of results will you get? Like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. But […]
10. How Can I Use Word-Of-Mouth Marketing to Improve My Web Site?
The 10th question in our 10 questions to ask when you’re ready to take your site to the next level is probably THE most important question around today. Word of Mouth marketing. I’m a pretty good customer. When I’m happy with a business, I will go out of my way to tell others about it. […]