Organizations often want their website to be ranked well for keyword phrases around their offering, not just around their brand. Yet too many of them make these three mistakes repeatedly. We recommend reviewing your site SEO campaign and, if you find one or more of them, take steps to correct them – or reach out to EduCyber.
Poor Quality Content
Instead of over-focusing on keyword density, take the time to write content that is meaningful to your users. Sure, use AI to help you get started but don’t try to get AI to do all the work. Seach engines, particularly Google are very focused on quality content so they can discern user intent.
How to avoid this mistake: Consider what your existing clients or those in your pipeline ask you consistently. Write your content to address those questions, providing your unique perspective to resolving the problem. Google is very focused on understanding the searcher is looking for and providing the answer. So, write your content just like you’d answer someone on the phone or in your office.
Updating your content regularly is another great way to avoid this mistake. What changes in your industry, in your services, in your products have happened that mean it is time for you to provide fresher information? We used to be proud of the fact that we had blogs dating back to 2002. However, NONE of that content was relevant to anyone in 2025 and some of it was frankly embarrassing simply because it was so dated. So now instead of 450 blogs, there are only 276 (which is probably still too much). The point is, update the content.
Neglecting Technical SEO
This is a key role in any company offering SEO services but it equally important for any organization doing it alone or monitoring the ones doing their SEO. Technical SEO is a big enough topic for a post – or a book – on its own but briefly it entails having the proper structure for tags – such as H1 and H2 and so on – having the right meta tags (particularly meta description and meta title), use alternative text for images, and, well, a whole more.
How to avoid this mistake: Make sure you use the proper headlines (H1) and sub headlines on your page in a structured manner. Make sure each page on your site has a unique meta description and meta title. Make sure you use the good “alt text” for each picture and that the alt text matches the picture title.
Check for broken links. The longer your site is around, the more likely you will change something that leads to broken links for internal pages or if you link to an external site, it may change as well. Check for a proper and up-to-date sitemap (and update it if it isn’t)
Neglecting User Experience (UX)
No matter how good your content and technical SEO are, if you aren’t thinking about how users can / will interact with your website, they’ll end up clicking the back button and finding a site that does have a UX that work works well and do business with them instead.
How to avoid this mistake: look at your site navigation. Are the menus and submenus properly connected in a logical manner? Do you have certain pages that are linked from internal pages that don’t appear in the navigation?
Check for slow loading pages (this is very bad for SEO and especially for mobile SEO). Faster loading pages rank higher.
While thinking about UX is counter-intuitive when you are thinking about SEO, it is actually a key part of it as search engines in general focus more on how to get the best information to users as fast as possible.
If you can avoid or correct these three mistakes, you will see a boost in your SEO. Take the time to review them. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle